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2022 A Year In Review


Our theme for 2022 was New Beginnings. New opportunities to create relationships with clients, volunteers, board members, staff, and donors with a vision to be known and embraced by our community as a Centre that extends grace, provide education, and ongoing, compassionate support before, during, and after pregnancy.

You were there and rallied around us to ensure the continued support needed to offer our programs, as we saw many clients coming through our doors. The Client Services staff and volunteers often saw up to 33 clients in one day, including returning clients and new intakes. These clients continue to be our number one priority.

You were there to allow our clients to find a safe place to share their journey, heal, be seen, and find their new January 2023 beginnings - a place where they could be equipped and empowered with compassion and unconditional acceptance.

You were there when our Olds Centre purchased a home to offer our programs. You were there when Stettler celebrated the grand opening of its new Centre with the hope of sharing new beginnings with men, women, and families who live there.

Jesus’ compassion prompted Him to act. He mercifully loves, heals, and rescues. Jesus’ very presence in the world is the ultimate act of compassion. We do not deserve His sacrifice, but because of God’s great love, we are treated mercifully and called to live compassionate lives. Together, we can show compassion. We can create healing, belonging, hope, and possibilities for the women, men, and families who seek our support. Thank you for being here with us!

Our Vision

We are known and embraced by our community as a Centre that extends grace, provides education, and ongoing, compassionate support before, during, and after pregnancy.

Our Values

Relationships | Putting those we serve at the heart of all we do.

Respect | Honoring, and valuing others in both words and actions.

Compassion | Genuine care and heartfelt concern for those we serve.

Dignity | The right of a person to be valued and respected for their own sake.

Excellence | Professional competence and responsible stewardship of resources.  

“When we found out I was pregnant, every part of our carefully planned world came crashing down. I wasn’t supposed to have a baby. I was slapped in the face by two red lines. I couldn’t see anything positive about my situation. I was ashamed, embarrassed, and terrified. We came to the CAPCC to learn about our options. The lady we met was kind and gentle; we felt support and love from her. She helped us see that we already had many supports in our life if we would only ask and accept them. My daughter fits in like the perfect puzzle piece I didn’t even know I was missing. I truly believe she was exactly what I didn’t realize I needed.”

- CAPCC Client


Upcoming Events

  • Olds Banquet - March 23, 2023

  • Stettler Banquet - April 20, 2023

  • Baby Bottle Campaign - May 14 - June 18, 2023

  • Red Deer Fall Banquet - October 19, 2023

  • Rocky Mountain House Dessert Evening - November 30, 2023

  • Watch for details about our Planned Giving Information Seminars in Olds, RMH, & Stettler

Thank you to our generous community. You have helped so many lives in need of support and unconditional love.

Your financial gifts allow women, men, and families facing an unexpected pregnancy to access the resources and tools they need to make a well-informed decision.

Three easy ways to donate:

Thank you for your continued love and generosity.

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