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Your Connection To CAPCC

April 2023

“Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we

discover the infinite power of our light.” — Brené Brown

Have you heard of a Lamplighter?

Before electricity existed in the early 1900s, Lamlighters illuminated darkened streets. Every evening, an hour before dusk, Lamplighters donned the streets with a ladder or a wick on a long pole to light up to 75 street lamps. At dawn, the Lamplighter returned to extinguish the lamp's flame. In some instances, the Lamplighter also assumed a watchman role to monitor the streets and increase safety.

At the Central Alberta Pregnancy Care Centre, clients seek a Lamplighter in their time of darkness. Someone who will listen without judgment, provide education and practice support, and shine a light on the path ahead. Someone who will make them feel safe, like a watchman, so that they can share their stories.

"I lived for over a decade in darkness with trauma and abuse that had gone unrecognized and undealt with. It included rape, addiction, and homelessness. I had relationship struggles, anxiety, and fear of losing my unborn child. I didn't know how to move forward in living a healthy lifestyle. The previous plans for my life included completing high school and taking the schooling I would need to have a career, all of which was lost."

Light is fundamental to all living things to survive and grow. The promise of spring and increased daylight brings renewal and excitement for what is to come. In a world of chaos and darkness, being a light to others gives hope for a brighter future.

"The CAPCC changed my life! It was hard at first to open up to my client advocate but with her help and support, I gained the confidence, understanding, and insight I needed to heal and let go. The CAPCC became my sanctuary, my family for support, learning, and growing. My client advocate was dedicated and determined to make me feel comfortable and safe. My life is different from when I first came to the CAPCC. I am more confident, independent, and happy with myself, and my relationships have flourished. My love and respect for myself have been restored."

We are grateful to you, our donors, and supporters who have helped bring light to clients in need. Your prayers and financial gifts mean so much, allowing opportunities for clients to heal from the darkness and step into the light of hope. This year, we faced some challenges as an organization with increased utility costs, mortgage interest, and food costs in our Maternity Home Program. As we move into our 35th year of providing education and ongoing compassionate support, we need your generous help to meet the needs of individuals and their families seeking pregnancy-related resources. Be a Lamplighter with us as you consider your gift-giving this spring, and know that we are praying for you!

Thank you for your generosity. We welcome online donations at, or by E-transfers to Thank you in advance for adapting with us in our efforts to save money and invest more into our client programs and services.

Ways to Donate:

Items: Journals, diapers (size 3-5), baby wipes, baby wash, diaper cream, gift cards (Costco, Superstore, and Walmart).

Volunteer: Give the gift of your time. Discover opportunities at

Online: Did you know you can give one-time gifts and schedule monthly giving online? Visit




Thank you for your continued love and generosity.

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