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March 2019 Appeal


Updated: Jan 14

“Continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” (Colossians 2:6-7)

Dear Friends of CAPCC,

Every year it surprises me. The drifts of snow, which by the end of February seem to be permanent fixtures—more like concrete than frozen flakes—start to lose their staying power. By March (hopefully), they begin to diminish, and the first signs of Spring appear. The first robin I see on a walk through the trees is a signal that the long months of winter are over. And though it happens every year, the change of the season with its new growth and new life brings joyful surprise.

What a gift God gives in the changing of seasons! The winter was long and challenging but Spring is a time for new possibilities. Spring always reminds us that the perseverance of the winter months were worthwhile and the strength and resilience we’ve built over time will serve us well in the future.

We learn these lessons not only from the changing seasons but from our clients as well. Since I wrote you last, our clients have blessed and amazed us. We hear stories all the time of women, men and families who overcome challenges, bravely endure, and courageously embrace change for the better. And as a result they grow and they thrive.

Client Testimony

"I’m more independent now that I’m out of my toxic relationship. I feel more safe. Now I’m excited for my son to be born."

~Thankful CAPCC Client

Recent highlights:

  • We marked our 5 Year Anniversary in Olds and another successful year offering services in Rocky Mountain House.

  • We are expanding into new communities! We’ve been invited by the community of Drumheller to expand our programs and services there and have received strong interest to expand our work in Stettler as well.

  • In Red Deer our Maternity Home is operating at full capacity: 11 moms and 11 children currently occupy the home and we have a waiting list.

A Call to Action

We’ve set a goal to raise $30,000 this April to ensure that we can provide our essential services in Central Alberta. Please go to our website and give today.

With all our exciting growth, we need to grow our resources in order to make our vision a reality and so again we ask for and need your help.

We invite you to be an Ambassador of Transformation by making a one time donation or committing to be a monthly donor



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