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Love in Action


A true relationship is someone who accepts your past, supports your present, loves you, and encourages your future - unknown.

We all have a past; we made decisions that were good and others that weren't. There were things we wish we had done differently and those for which we are thankful. Some of us made choices we would have liked to re-do or forget. At the CAPCC, love in action means learning about a client's past while establishing a trusting relationship. It is not meant to judge, criticize or condemn but to listen with a heart to understand.

We all have a present. Our past is part of our journey. Our experiences add pages to our story, making us who we are today. When a woman faces a pregnancy decision, she often feels incredible isolation, loneliness, fear, and despair. At the CAPCC, love in action means supporting the place our clients are now while loving them regardless of their present circumstances and decisions.

We all have a future. For many of us, the future is a time to dream and imagine possibilities. For others, the future can appear hopeless and full of disappointment. At the CAPCC, love in action means the opportunity to encourage a client, to show them a new roadmap and a future full of hope and new beginnings.

Some of you are part of our past at the CAPCC. You've been there, supporting men, women, and families over the years through your prayers and your financial gifts. Some of you are part of our present, a community of supporters who share our values and embrace us as a centre that extends grace, provides education, and ongoing compassionate support before, during, and after pregnancy.

Our success as an organization over the past 34 years and the triumph in our clients' lives are thanks to you. What's true of the past is true for our future. As we embrace the future, will you join us to continue to sustain our mission to equip and empower individuals and their families seeking pregnancy-related resources? I strongly believe that the next 30 years also depends on you. We need your support and financial gifts as we look to the future so women and families who need us can be served through one of our locations in Red Deer, Olds, Rocky Mountain House, Drumheller, and Stettler. As you prayerfully consider your gift-giving this spring, know that we are praying for you as well.


Lisa Smith, Executive Director


  • 2022 Baby Bottle Campaign - May 8 to June 19, 2022

  • Stettler Annual Fundraiser - April 21, 2022

  • Drumheller Annual Fundraiser - June 16, 2022

  • Red Deer Fall Banquet - October 27, 2022

  • Rocky Mountain House Dessert Evening - December 1, 2022

Thank you to our generous community. You have helped so many lives in need of support and unconditional love. Your financial gifts allow women, men, and families facing an unexpected pregnancy to access the resources and tools they need to make a well-informed decision. Four easy ways to donate:

  1. Visit 

  2. Fill out the donation card provided below and return it in the mail to:

5116 47 Street, Red Deer, AB T4N 1R9

      3. Send an e-transfer to

      4. Call 403.343.1619

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