Holding the Promise of Hope
We all need hope in our lives. Hope is a universal and powerful human need. It is the fuel that propels us forward to take the next steps. Hope contributes to our well-being and happiness and motivates us toward positive action. Hope is our belief that our future will be better than today.
Hope can also be one of the most difficult things to find when life is hard. An unexpected pregnancy, a broken relationship, trauma, an abortion experience, abuse, the loss of a child, and the loss of a dream with no one to turn to can steal all glimpses of hope. It has been thirty-five years since the Central Alberta Pregnancy Care Centre opened its doors in Red Deer! For thirty-five years, men, women, and families have come through our doors looking for a source of hope. As a community, we have held the promise of hope for others.
As a Christian organization, we know that God did not promise any of us an easy life, but He did promise that He would be with us through every trial. We are called to be beacons of hope - a guiding light and a safe harbour for people facing difficult circumstances. It is a place where people share their stories of struggle and adversity. In those times of darkness, it is a privilege to share the promise of hope, ignite it in our clients' hearts, and see hope restored.
"Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

"When I was 12 years old, a member of my extended family began sexually abusing me. The abuse continued for many years until I found out I was pregnant at 17. My parents were angry and hurt; I was confused and scared. We were unsure what to do next, so we contacted the CAPCC. I did not know my options, but I needed someone to talk to. I walked into the Centre crying and thought I had to have an abortion due to my circumstances. I met with a client advocate, and my parents were able to talk to another advocate. We felt supported and cared for. We all left that day feeling like we had hope. With my parents' support, I decided to keep my baby. I'm so grateful the CAPCC supported my whole family."
~CAPCC Client
Ways To Donate
When you join our monthly giving program, you'll be coming alongside a dedicated group of supporters with a passion to be part of transforming lives today and for generations to come! Your commitment brings you closer to our work through ongoing updates on client progress and your impact. Together, we can equip and empower individuals and families seeking pregnancy-related resources. To donate, scan this code and follow the link to our website. You can e-transfer your monthly donation to accounting@pregnancycare.ca or use the attached donation card and mail it to 5116 47th Street, Red Deer, AB. T4N 1R9. Thank you for your generosity!
Planned Giving Information Seminar:
Saturday, October 14, 2023, 10 am – 3 pm Stettler Alliance Church, 6109 41 Avenue, StettlerLife is a series of lived moments experienced one moment at a time. A defining moment is a point in our lives when we must make a pivotal decision. It's a time when we experience something that fundamentally changes us. These moments challenge our beliefs and force us to recalibrate, having either a positive or negative effect.
Practical examples of how to invest in the work of the CAPCC while ensuring provision for your family members How to make a bequest in your will, and the legal ramifications of making a donation Tax implications and benefits of making a planned gift Making the best use of a planned gift.
Light lunch will be provided RSVP by October 6, 2023 403.343.1611 or grants@pregnancycare.ca

Donation Items Needed:
Gift cards (Costco, Superstore, Walmart)
Diapers (sizes 2, 4 & 6) & wipes
Full-size toiletries & menstrual pads
NEW sleepers
NEW baby outfits (sizes 3 – 24 mths)
Make a difference in your community, and contact us about volunteering! The next training session begins in October. Contact info@pregnancycare.ca to learn more.
We are recruiting community-minded professionals to join our board. The CAPCC Board of Directors is a governance board that provides leadership and helps guide organizational priorities and strategic direction. For more information or to request a board recruitment package, contact director@pregnancycare.ca.

October 19, 2023, we are so thrilled to hold our 2023 Fall Fundraising Banquet - Beacons of Hope at the Westerner Park Stockmens Pavillion. This exciting event is an opportunity to come together and celebrate the special moments in time that impact change, growth, healing, and inspiration.
Registration for the event is OPEN!
Red Deer Fall Fundraising Banquet: October 19, 2023
AGM: November 27, 2023 @ 6pm at the Red Deer location
RMH Dessert Evening: November 30, 2023
Olds Fundraising Banquet: March 7, 2024
Dramatic Musical Production: March 21-23, 2024
Stettler Fundraising Banquet: April 11, 2024
Thank you to our generous community. You have helped so many lives in need of support and unconditional love. Your financial gifts allow women, men, and families facing an unexpected pregnancy to access the resources and tools they need to make a well-informed decision. Four easy ways to donate:
Visit pregnancycare.ca/donate
Fill out the donation card provided below and return it in the mail to:
5116 47 Street, Red Deer, AB T4N 1R9
3. Send an e-transfer to accounting@pregnancycare.ca
4. Call 403.343.1611
